Saturday, April 2, 2016

Live-Blogging LDS General Conference - Saturday Morning, April 2, 2016

Watch LIVE here
Coverage and News Media Resources for the 186th Annual General Conference

President Henry B. Eyring of the First Presidency
1st Speaker, welcoming to conference. Members watching are under covenant to serve Him.
We gather in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and he is in our midst
By the power of the Spirit we can feel He is with us.
. . . unto you my friends . . . that ye shall call unto me when ye are near. Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you. D+C 88:62-63
The sower and the seeds - depended on the condition of the soil.
Conference is a precious opportunity to prepare, test and grow the seed.
We join in the prayer and draw closer to Him. This is His conference.
hOnly the Holy Ghost can help us understand.
Be of good cheer and do not fear, for I the Lord and with you and stand by you . . . . D+C 68:6
He that is ordained of me and sent forth to preach by the Spirit of Truth D+C 50:17
Listen carefully to testimonies born words come for specific messages to individuals.
Testimony of Christ - He lives today a God, resurrected and glorious.
The Apostles and Prophets speak for the Lord.

Sister Mary R. Durham 2nd Counselor in the Relief Society
Story about children and fathers on a picnic. Father tries to swim with daughter on his back. He calls for help. Felt alone and desperate.
We all have feelings like this.
He realized his shoes were heavy and weighing him down, He struggled to get them off his feet. Free from the heavy weight, he could know swim with his daughter to safety.
We can all feel like we are drowning.
The things of the world can drown out the things of the Spirit.
How do we prepare our children for the day when they are swimming?
The source of strength often underestimated.
The Guiding Gift of the Holy Ghost.
Children learn about baptism, are immersed, and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
"Receive the Holy Ghost" not passive but "Act - not to be acted upon" 2 Nephi 2:26
3 Nephi 26 Christ and the Children.
Immerse our families in the Spirit. Help children understand how He speaks. In different ways to different people.

Elder Donald L. Hallstrom of the Presidency of the Seventy
One of God's most sacred names is "Father"
We are the offspring of God
D+C 76 We are begotten of God.
Pres. Monson - We are sons and daughters of a living God
Foundational doctrine
We can all sing "I am a Child of God"
Do we really know it? in our heart and in our mind and in our soul?
Don't let our earthly identities interfere with our heavenly identity.
In real life we face actual hardships.
mortal life can be agonizing
- you can have what you want or you can have something better. -E. Holland
Visited Liberia after ebola crisis. 4100 in members conference.
"How Firm a Foundation" verses 1,2,3 and 7:
     "The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose
     I cannot, I shall not desert to its foes.
     That soul though all hell shall endeavor to shake
     I'll never, no never, I'll never, no never.
     I'll never, no never, no never forsake."

Gary E. Stephenson, Quorum of the Twelve
Ski story - lost his keys - without the keys he had no entrance, power, warmth, etc.
[I don't like ski stories. Yeah. I'm a contrary, rebellious Utahn]
Ordinance of Salvation back to our Heavenly Home require Priesthood Keys.
John the Baptist, Peter, James, and John, the Lord Jehovah, Moses, Elias, Elijah restored Priesthood keys to the Prophet Joseph Smith.
We don't have to question "Where are the keys?"
Priesthood Restoration site and visitors center (Pennsylvania) recently rededicated.
All keys held by the Lord Jesus Christ and He determines what is delegated to humans.
1. Prepare for missionary service - the keys of the gathering restored by Moses authorize this work.
Young women can prepare and serve but not under the same mandate.
2. Temple ordinances prepare us to return to the presence of Heavenly Parents.
Seek out the records of your dead and do their ordinances in the Temple.
Discovered an ancestor with a criminal record? Would you like to join in a short online survey for research? Contact
3. Go Forward with Faith - Abrahamic Covenant - restored by Prophet Elias.

Elder Kevin R. Duncan of the Seventy
At first I thought looked like Martin Sheen in West Wing...but I was wrong...
We can forgive. We need not be a victim twice by carrying hate, vengeance, etc.
Sliver building a fence. after some time, prepared ointment and a bandage. The ointment had softened the skin and created an escape for what had caused pain for so long.
And unforgiving heart harbors so much pain.
When we apply the healing ointment of the Savior's love we can be healed.
God will meet out fair judgment. Leave it with God.
We are all at different levels in growing spiritually. Try to see them as God sees them.
God's love for his children is perfect.
Story of Saul of Tarsus becoming the Apostle Paul.
God sees people not only as they currently are but as they may become.
To forgive is not to condone but we can try to see with God's broader perspective.
"Of you it is required to forgive all men"
Different sports, political views, or religion. Learning to listen can teach us.
God looketh not on the color of the jersey or political party.
We all fall short
Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.

Elder Steven E. Snow of the Seventy
Singing of Hymns
Emma Smith prepared first hymnal
WW Phelps wrote a lot of them
Our latest version is 1985
"Be Thou Humble" new hymn in 1985
Savior taught that we must be humble as a little child.

Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of Twelve
[Good. His wife's a fellow Maryland Law Alumni]
The greater the distance from the giver to the receiver - phrase learned serving in Africa - the more the receiver has a sense of entitlement
Welfare Principles - first turn to families and then to church
When we are distant from God, small inequities look large.
Nephi had great desire to know the mysteries of God.
Laman and Lemuel were distant and could not understand.
And they were wroth with Nephi receiving blessings and were wroth with him.
They saw Nephi's blessings as wrongs against them
Murmuring: scriptural equivalent of childish whining...
Scriptural equivalent of entitlement
They would not ask because they sere distant and
The closer we are, the more we appreciate Jesus's innocent suffering, Grace, and that we want to become like him
God is more pleased with repentant sinners than with the self-righteous.
Drawing nearer to the Savior cause us to change. - Swedish Christmas Carol
Figuratively transport ourselves to the humble manger
My Father sent my that I might be lifted up on the cross to draw all men unto me. 3 Nephi 27:14
We must make and keep covenants and keep the Holy Ghost with us.
We can do this in the Sacrament each week.
Floods will come and winds will blow - The Sacrament can fortify us.
The Disciples on the Road to Emmaus - Did not our hearts burn when He was with us along the way?
The Sacrament helps us know the Savior
If life were truly fair, we would never be resurrected
Because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ - there will be no unfairness

I know ain't a fashion show but just once I'd love to see rock some choir robes & give 1979 back these dresses

As trendy as it is, this hymn is pretty great...

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