Sunday, October 5, 2014

Live-Blogging LDS General Conference, Sunday AM

President Henry B. Eyring of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles
Human logic and intellect get us only so far - we need direct, personal revelation from God
How the Church was restored - Joseph went and asked of God based on James 1:5
Lehi had visions, but Nephi went and did what did because the Lord commanded.

Story of the breaking of the Teton Dam. Directing the relief efforts fell to a Stake President who was a farmer. The feds came and pompously announced what was to be done, the Stake President said those things were already done. Fed guy said he thought he would sit down and listen for a while.
The leader of the Fed team arrived early for the next meeting, "President, what would you like me and the members of my team to do?"

Sealing power, only by direction of the President of the Church.
Pres. Eyring went to convey to a local man outside the US. He does so by the authority of - and he names the current prophet who holds the keys. The man's wife could neither read nor right and didn't feel worthy to go to the temple with her husband. Pres. Eyring taught her that she knew enough by revelation and testimony.

Revelation continues in the church, the President for the church, each church leader for their responsibility, father for his family, each individual for himself.
[And he did already tell a story about his mother's revelation to teach him]

Elder Russell M Nelson of the Quorum of 12 Apostles
Sustaining the Prophet - do we understand what that means?
Joseph F. Smith explained before he was the Prophet - "in deed and in truth"
As a cardiac surgeon he performed operation on President Kimball.
He did not recommend the operation, but President Kimball said it was inspired by the First Presidency.
When his heart started beating again after the operation, Elder (Dr.) Nelson received inspiration that Elder Kimball would be President of the Church.
When we sustain prophets and others we sustain the principle of "by common consent"
This gives us confidence and faith to heed the leaders of the church.
No prophet has ever been elected.
The world's ways are not the Lord's ways. We do not release the Prophet when he becomes old.
Elder George Albert Smith said our raising of our hands is important - means that we will stand behind him, pray for him, protect his good name, and carry out his instructions
The Lord leads the church. He reveals his will to his servant the prophet. Amos 3:7
We sustain twelve and 1st Presidency, 15 men, as prophets, seers, and revelators. Because decisions have to be made unanimously. The Spirit works on all this different men with different professional backgrounds. The apostle with seniority presides. That usually brings older men to the presidency of the church.
The church today was established by the Lord with "redundancy and backup."
Safeguards abound so that one man cannot lead the church astray.
[so we don't have to believe or follow what they may do individually like McConkie's "Mormon Doctrine" or Elder Benson's political speeches.
When President is incapacitated, the two counselors (sometimes 3) still constitute the Quorum of the First Presidency.
President Monson says that age takes its toll on all of us. But as King Benjamin said we are hear because the Lord has sustained us and kept us here. Mosiah 2:9
Come what may, no need to worry or to fear
"We ever pray for thee, our prophet, dear."

Carol F. McConkie, First Counselor of Young Women's Presidency
And she continues Elder Nelson's theme of sustaining the Prophet and the 15 apostles. [3 First Presidency. 12 in the Quorum. sometimes there have been one or two extra.]
From a single mother striving to sustain life in a famine we learn how to sustain a prophet - Elijah and the widow. Handful of meal and a cruse of oil. "Fear not" make him a little cake first and then make one for thee and thy son."

Elder Robert Hales of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles
Testimonies of the prophets
Comes by personal revelation. [Wrapping in all themes of the morning]
Time he first came to believe in God feeling his presence while gazing at the stars in the sky
To some is given by the Holy Ghost and to others to believe in their words
People need not be dependent on testimony of others for always because each will learn over time.
He talks about his own process seeking for personal revelation
"Feast upon the words of Christ" they will tell you all that you need do.
Testimony of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost as Godhead.
"Beloved Son" God the Father created the world through Him. Mary told she would be mother of the son of God. Baptism of Jesus, Holy Ghost present and Father's voice. Jesus prayed to Father.
As the hour of the Atonement drew near, the Son pleaded with the Father.
In his last moments on the Cross, He prayed to the Father.
He then visited the spirits of the dead to give them the opportunity to come in to the presence of the Father.
How then are they one? united in the Father's purpose of bringing "to pass the immortality and eternal life of man."
Joseph's First Vision. Two personages - one introducing the other as "My beloved Son"
You too can receive this personal witness, personal revelation of God to know the truth through the third personage of the Godhead, the Holy Ghost.
Moroni 10:4
The sure foundation is Jesus Christ. The Rock of Heaven.

Elder James J. Hamula of the Seventy
Talks of Passover, Last Supper. The Sacrament
No more sacrifice of animals but bread and wine to signify the sacrifice of Jesus as the promised Christ.
No unclean thing can enter the presence of God, so we have need of repentance and sacrament (baptism)

President Thomas S. Monson
[Looks pretty strong and cheery.]
Primary purposes of our existence on the earth to gain a body of flesh and bones, to gain experience, and be tested as to whether we would keep the commandments
We came with our Agency (from pre-mortal life)
Decisions determine Destiny
He did not send us here without direction and guideness
to guide us to eternal life we have the words of God and his Son.
We have the counsel and teaching of God's prophets.
We have the example of our Lord and Savior
"Come, Follow me" What ye see me do that ye should do also
What manner of men ought ye to be, even as I Am.
If we follow we can return to life with Father forever.
Woman visited Holy Land, she said she walked where Jesus walked
Less important than walking AS Jesus walked
Jesus to a rich man - Come, Follow Me - not literally to follow him around but to walk the path he walked with His Spirit, His example
"I am the way the truth and the life"
Jesus walked the path of disappointment "Oh, Jerusalem!" Deep sorrow and anguish.
Jesus walked the path of temptation. Lucifer and the three temptations.
Jesus walked the path of pain
And He certainly suffered on the Cross.
D&C 29 and it must needs be that the devel tempt the sons of men or they could not be agents unto themselves.
We with Jesus can walk the path of obedience.
Samuel "to obey is better than sacrifice . . .
End result of disobedience is captivity and death - end of obedience is freedom and eternal life.
Jesus walked the path of prayer - He taught us the way to pray - Lord's prayer and Gethsamane
Not my will but thine be done.
Beatitudes - Be (all those things)
Let our light shine
Jesus taught through parables:
Be morally clean in thoughts in actions
Lay up treasures in heaven not on earth
Love and serve our neighbors
Strive to improve ourselves
Go to rescue of the lost
No choice we can make can make us what He can.
Gustaf and Marguerite Walker story - unpretentious but exceptionally spiritual people he knew in Canada when mission president.
His path will take us safely home.

And the Choir closes with "How Firm a Foundation"
Seventh verse coming up.

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