Monday, January 27, 2014

We're Still the Same

It's either the poisonous polluted air or simple blogger's block that's got me down. I do hope to be here tomorrow to live-blog the SOTU. My predition - the Prez will play off John ("are-you-kiddin'-me") Boehner and call on the Republicans to cooperate as they have on the new budget (which isn't that bad, selfishly speaking - it couldn't have gotten any worse). It won't help much for him but to further stir the tea-pot turmoil in the Republican Party with hopes that the fever will finally burst for a more temperate next Congress. It's a long shot.

The turmoil over same-sex marriage has been bothering me because I know too much. That is, I know too many. The floor of my freshman dorm at BYU included guys from a multiplicity of perspectives who are now personally involved in this turmoil. And that's all I'll say about that. Except . . . .

One of my old college friends aware of this situation recently noted how our personalities haven't really changed that much over the years. Now, that's not to say people can't change and progress in life, but I see the point that there is something innately constant and "personal" in personality. That also hit me recently from another angle. My Aunt sent me a letter that I had written to her family when I was a missionary. You be the judge, dear readers:

Letterhead even Keepapitchinin should love.
March 14, 1977
Dear Aunt Uncle and cousins,
     Se Eu (Yo) escrevesse esta carta em português, acham que vocês (Uds) poderiam entendê-la? Não sei, sabe?
     but now that I'm catching on to portuguese a little I find I can sort of read spanish a little. I find I can sort of read spanish, at least well enough to get the idea.
     Mas como vai tudo? Como estão?
     I'm fine and it's great here the work and now that summer is ending the heat is gone but the weather is still blue just cooler.
     Have you had much snow? Any?
     As you noticed I am now in a german town, Novo Hamburgo, which is really exciting because although all these blond people speak portuguese they all know german too. I've conversed a little in both languages. It's a nice town, clean, 100,000 people in a narrow green valley. The architecture is all german. There is a beautiful gothic Lutheran church. If I never get to Europe, this will be close enough.
     The work is slow but great! We are teaching a few good families praying that they get ready for baptism. We had an exposition here last week with displays, films, and all. It went slow but great (that's just the way it goes here). One afternoon in 5 minutes a family of Jehovah's Witnesses, 2 spiritualists and a faith healer all showed up. We took care of them pretty with our testimonies.
     The branch is good here. They have the first part of a chapel they will start to add on and I think they'll be a ward soon. [Stake, now]
     I'm not to far from Porto Alegre where I worked the month of February (I have been busy with transfers.) And P.A. is really n ice. Beautiful downtown - The Brazilians care a lot about tourism. I lived in a more industrial side of town, but it was a good ward and a good area. We had lots of families, discussions, and with lots of prayer and testimony work - one baptism.
     It is great here. I am happy and it's good to know I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing. I mean really there is nothing I can think of better to do with my life now. I'm happy so why trade it?
     It's hard to imagine I'm already close to a third of my mission. When I return I'm supposed to be a real adult and get married and all that. Oh well. that's going to be great too. (?)
     Hope things go well for you and that K___ can ski this winter.
P.S. The gospel is true.

Well, good luck with that "real adult" thing, Old Self. I'm still trying.

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