Saturday, April 6, 2013

Live-Blogging LDS General Conference (from California) Saturday PM

President Eyring conducting.

Don't ask me to follow the sustainings. But Pres. Uchtdorf with his international experience, does well with the various names from different countries and languages. New General Young Women's Presidency.

 Audit report - all good.

Stats report. 14,782,473 membership. 280K convert baptisms. [check the Ensign next month]

Elder Richard G. Scott, Quorum of the Twelve
Many voices tell us to live with frantic pace
We need a place where peace and serenity prevail
The ideal place is within the walls of our own home - Jesus Christ the centerpiece
Some homes have a priesthood father and mother to support - many homes don't
Regardless of circumstances we can center on Christ
This does not rest on parents alone but also children
Teach children to recognize consequences of actions on others in the home
Daily personal and family prayer - scripture study -
weekly family home evening structure a Christ-centered home
Don't rationalize by taking shortcuts - little things lead to big things
Simple consistent good habits lead to bounteous blessing.
Youth prepared in pre-mortal life to be valiant
Don't yield to devil-inspired contamination around you
Adversary wants us to be miserable like him. he will exploit weaknesses
Stay on the Lord's side and you will win every time.
Technology depends on how it is used. It can be an enhancement to spiritual development.
Full standard works and years of conference address can fit in your pocket.
Be wise how you use technology
Many people with meager talents can still bless the lives around them.
His power is an essential component to establish a home filled with peace
It can also help friends who live in more difficult circumstances
Become friends with your children's friends
Gospel taught, covenants kept, love abounds in Christ-centered home
Someone with no family, raised by government in foster homes, joined the church, served mission
Elder in mission home - he joined Mission Pres. family for home evening.
He asked to spend a couple of days at the end of the mission with him so he could pattern his family
Reach out to those living in adverse circumstances.
It is like asphalt filling the potholes of life - a treasure to be appreciated
If you have family members who are not making such choices we need to trust in the Lord
Exercise faith and leave some things to the Lord
Recognize the good in others not their stains.
A thread of hope is a massive life preserver to provide comfort and cease to fear
There is a time and season for all things
We can become like Him one consistent step at a time

Elder Quentin L. Cook, Quorum of the Twelve
The Doctrine of Peace and the role of Jesus Christ
He spoke at the funeral of Emily Parker who lost her life in Newtown.
He found faith and strength in her parents
He recently spoke in Cote d'Ivoire [Ivory Coast]. They concluded two civil wars in 2011
9/11 in lower Manhatten. Members made way to Manhattan Stake Center at Lincoln Center
[where Temple is now - we visited in the 80s]
Agency is essential to the plan of happiness
It allows for pain and suffering of mortality even when caused by things we don't understand
And the bad choices of others.
The Lord said his mission would not attain universal peace in this world
They would be hated of all men for his sake
Think not that I am come to bring peace on the earth
D&C preface. The spirit of Christ shall not always strive with man.
Lucifer has not yet been bound and exercised dominion in this world [telesial state]
We pray and hope for universal peace but it is as individuals and families that we gain peace through righteousness - "peace in this life and eternal life in the world to come"
Abiding deep happiness and contentment
The Savior's peace has helped the Parker family - the father expressed his forgiveness for the perpetrator
Ivory Coast members focused on the Temple and family history
Lord's answer in Liberty Jail "thine adversity and afflictions shall be but a small moment" D&C 122
The Savior's atonement will compensate for all the unfairness in this life.
What are the sources of peace?
Not by great wealth or prominence, leisure, etc.
"Where can I turn for peace?" Hymn
The answer is the Savior - following basic principles - becoming true disciples
King Benjamin & the multitude - "Peace of conscious" because of the exceeding faith in Jesus Christ
Major transgression requires confession. Drop burden at his feet.
Thousands of missionaries have accepted the call to share gospel one on one and by families.
Priesthood authority binds families together through sacred ordinances - Temples
Fiji Temple - dedication under difficult circumstances in civil war - open house by limited invitation
Muslim woman, member of parliament, felt spirit in Celestial room.
At Passover the Savior promised the comforter "peace I give unto you . . ."
That in me ye might have peace . . . be of good cheer. I have overcome the world."
Eliza Snow poem "In me . . . Peace"
[Well, peace linked to the Temple there]

Elder Stanley G. Ellis of the Seventy
a real Idaho farm boy
Importance of timing in watering and planting
Stick to the basics - the First Article of Faith

Elder John Dickson of the Seventy
Expansion of the church
revelation to Peter to go to the Gentiles

Elder David A. Bednar, Quorum of the Twelve
Why is the law of Chastity so important?
Reading from Family Proclamation
Physical bodies - provide opportunities that could not be obtained in Spirit
We experience tenderness, love, sorrow, etc. even physical pain in ways that prepare us for eternity
"According to the flesh"
 Not good that man should be alone and Eve was created. It needs both man and woman to enact the plan of happiness
Man and woman are intended to bless and learn from each other.
First commandment to multiply and replenish the earth
Complete sexual abstinence before and complete faithfulness after marriage
Heavenly parents have entrusted us with the ability to help create life
quotes Elder Oaks on the law of chastity
All uses outside of marriage are a degrading of the divine attribute of men and women
Intimate relations proper only between a man and a woman in marriage as God commands
 One of the ultimate expressions of our divine nature and potential and a way of expressing eternal bonds between husband & wife.
To some extent the natural man described by King Benjamin is alive in all of us. Mosiah 3:18
Men & women of Christ deny themselves and follow God
We currently live in a fallen world.
The fall of Adam affect us most directly through our physical bodies.
Our spirit is tabernacled in a physical body subject to the Fall.
Will I respond to the inclinations of the natural man? and quotes Mosiah 3:18 above
Every inclination and appetite can be overcome through Jesus Christ
Heavenly Father desires us to be together in the light and filled with hope
the adversary attempts to make us confused and unhappy - miserable like himself
alone, in the dark, and without hope
he does not have an eternal body and his progress is thwarted
he cannot learn the lessons that only an embodied spirit can learn - he resents that
because physical body is so essential, adversary tempts us to use our bodies improperly
he is miserable because he has no physical body entices us to use our body to be miserable
leading us to spiritual destruction.
defiling body is act of rebellion and denial of true nature of sons & daughters of God
Alma to Shiblon "bridle all passions" Alma 37
Love increases through righteous restrain and decreases through impulsive indulgences
Jesus spoke of different reward for different commandments - pure in heart
"let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly" D&C 121
Appropriate spiritual confidence.
Our innate longing to belong is fulfilled in this promise
The Savior is the great physician if we have need to repent

Guilt is to our spirit what pain is to our body - a warning of damage
Serious spiritual wounds require sustained treatment and time to heal
Lord's truth not influenced by fads or popularity polls
Chastity & virtue are now and always will be most precious above all things.

Elder Russell M. Nelson, Quorum of the Twelve
Wave of enthusiasm for missionary work
Thousands called and many more preparing
They will bless the children of almighty God
A wave of truth & righteousness - opportunity to be on the crest of that wave
Now is your time to prepare to teach others
Young men & women - education is ever important
Should apply to college before mission then ask for deferral

... [check as I got distracted here]

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